2017/02/13 Chris Donaldson
Hi Vadim at UDL! I love the trinity-bone N266. Great sound and beautiful craftsmanship!
2017/02/02 valermth
Very well written! Thanks
2014/12/16 Allen Smith
You do good work! I'll tell friends about your site.
Here's some of my didgeridoo based music.
2014/04/15 Chor Lai
Hello, If i want to order this didgeridoo http://www.yidaki-ural.ru/?gallery&interface=en&item=115&page=5 How long will I have to wait? And How much is it? Thank you.
2011/12/19 Yoram Sivan
Beautiful work guys. nice to know you and wish to meet one day. I am a didgeridoo maker and promoter of the didgeridoo scene in Israel since 1996. maybe you visit our festival one day.. :) take a look at my didgeridoo center site: www.didgim.com all the best, Yoram
Thanks, Yoram, for your opinion!
2011/07/16 Lele
Great stuff, you helepd me out so much!
2010/06/11 Frank
Wow, what amazing workmanship. These didges are things of beauty, works of art even, nice to see you have an endorsement from Lies. If my playing ever improves sufficiently I will seriously consider buying one of these (from Manchester UK)
To you we will be always glad!
2010/03/15 neil
what site is great didges look amazing love some of the artwork on them keep up the good work
2008/02/22 jose ames P
I really am intersted in learning more about this amazing instrument
2007/12/08 Irek
Hello UDL . WOW probably the most beautifull stix I've ever seen. There's some awsome work you'r doing out there - mind blowing . I'm sure I'll have one of those beauties in my collection soon. Best best regards from POLAND . Keep on didjin .
Thank You, Igek! We are keeping ON! ))