UDL manufactures DIDGERIDOO of superior quality wich can meet the individual demands of each client.
The distincive feature of "Ural-didgeridoo":
- constant high quality of sounding
- perfectly balanced sound and timbre
- correct shape of acoustic channel
- natural design, high quality woodworking
- resistance to environmental effects (temperature, moisture).
- weight - 1,5-2,5 kg
Wood: birch, maple, alder, ash-tree, oak.
To buy a didgeridoo, you must make an order. |
About us
Opinions of Masters:
The didges I have played that were made in the Ural are great instruments, I believe that they are made with a lot of love and knowledge. The easy toots are really really good for the way that I play. Ural didgeridoo is a well balanced instrument whatever.
Lies Beijerinck ("Mother of Holland-Didgeridoo") video
- Didgeridoo of different kinds of wood (only by order).
- Slide-didgeridoo UDaki-bone 2-pipes, full-wooden, bell 12/15 cm
- Slide-didgeridoo UDaki-bone, 2-pipes, half-wooden, bell 12/15 cm
- Slide-didgeridoo UDaki-trinity-bone, 3-pipes, full-wooden, telecopic, bell 15 cm
- Improvement of client's Didgeribone - building the external tube into the wood.
- Wood mouthpieces for didgeribones. They improve sounding and make trumpet easier to produce.
- Didg-cover (soft)
20-22 October, Yakutsk (Russia), jazz-festival ''Tong-Jazz'' . . . .